Anti Fraud Certifications in India

Indiaforensic Center of Studies is the brand of Riskpro Learning division which offers various antifraud, forensic accounting and compliance certifications.


There are different type of Anti Fraud Certifications in India. The scope of doing these certification is increasing day by day.

Risk Management Certifications

Indiaforensic started its first certification in the year 2005. With a nationally recognized Indiaforensic certification, you hold the power to move ahead in your career, increase your earning potential and add value to any enterprise. We at Indiaforensic offer 7 different certifications in forensic accounting and compliance. They have started a variety of courses related to the Anti-Fraud Certification.

RISKPRO@10March’ 2018 is the Month of Decade celebration and we are offering surprise discounts to all aspirants who are taking admissions for the certification programs. Use the coupon code Riskpro@10 for any admissions during this month.

Indiaforensic offers the following certifications.

Certified Forensic Accounting Professional

The CFAP certification is world-renowned as the standard of achievement for those who audit, control, monitor and assess frauds in the organisation. 7 years after the introduction, CFAP is among the most sought-after and highest-paying Forensic Accounting certification. As the fraud emerge the complexities grow and changing trends change the syllabus for different industrial sectors. CFAP is customised for three different Industries viz.

CFAP has become the undoubted leader in the Certifications in forensic accounting domain.

Certified Anti Money Laundering ExpertCertified Anti Money Laundering Expert (AML Compliance)

The compliance-focused CAME is the globally accepted standard for individuals who work in the domain of Client-On-Boarding, KYC, Compliance and Suspicious Transaction Identification. CAME is the leading credential for Anti Money Laundering Professionals. CAME is one of the hottest certifications in the Compliance Domain


Certified Bank Forensic Accountant (CBFA)

CBFA recognizes banking professionals for their knowledge and application of banking frauds. CBFA provides you the credibility to discuss critical issues around loan frauds, bank forensic and technology frauds such as credit card frauds based on your recognized skills, knowledge and business experience.