Certified Bank Forensic Accountant

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Madhura Phadtare
Madhura Phadtarehttp://indiaforensic.com
Madhura is a Certified Forensic Accounting Professional. She regularly contributes articles on the subjects of frauds, forensic accounting and investigation. She has rick experience of forensic accounting and fraud investigation research.

Certified Bank Forensic Accountant Programs sets a new standard of Live training session

Covid-19 is a global pandemic has called for social distancing. There are a lot of restrictions because of the pandemic and the people have to sit indoors which may lead to mental stress. Hence to keep people occupied and free from the mental stress the online learning can play an important role. Now a days online Learning is the best solution in this pandemic situation. Therefore, pandemics often compel the learners to stay at home for long period of time and obstruct teaching-learning process.

Certified Bank Forensic Accountant

To overcome all these challenges, Certified Bank Forensic Accountant course is re-launched which is curated by Indiaforensic and now presented by Riskpro Learning. The aspirants working in banking sector are eligible to pursue this course. Hence, the aspirants can prepare their risk management and bank forensic accountant career with a value-based education.

It is one of the best programs in the banking sector. Certified Bank Forensic Accountant is one of the best certifications for bank professionals, finance professionals. The professionals can opt for this course. Hence, banking professionals are taking initiative to curb the frauds that are taking place at large.

“The CBFA program  is another breakthrough in the Indiaforensic accreditation which is developed to fulfil the growing demand of the forensic accountants in the country”.

“C.A Mayur Joshi launched a virtual traning course in 2005.  Earlier. It was a self-pace learning course. As there was a rapid change in the education system as well as upgradation in the technology there was a need to start the course through online mode. So, knowing all the challenges we decided to start this course by taking live training sessions.  Mr. Nikhil Parulekar (CAME, CVIE, CBFA, MF, ACC) is conducting the live traning session”.

Live Training Session

“The Indiaforensic members who have enrolled for the CBFA Program will be provided with the 30+hours of live training session for 2 months. These live training sessions would be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays for which the duration will be 2 hours each. It will be followed by 1-month self-paced learning through the learning resources provided. While attending the live training session, personal guidance will be provided by our trainer. The Certified Bank Forensic Accountant is an exhaustive course. Therefore, the aspirants will develop the required skillset in Risk Management domain necessary in Banking sector. Experts having 18+ years of experience provide value based education”,  said C.A Mayur Joshi Co-Founder of Indiaforensic.

CBFA Examination

Additionally, to acquire the CBFA Certification, one should clear the examination with flying colours. Through the portal of Riskpro Learning the examinationis conducted online.  CBFA emphasizes on passing level 75%. The examination is MCQ pattern which will consist of 100 questions and the duration for the same is 2 hours. The aspirants can choose their own examination date which is flexible for them. On clearing the examination with flying colours, the aspirants will get the digital copy of the certificate.

“In forensic accounting domain one of the premier certification is Certified Bank Forensic Accountant.  On clearing it, the aspirants would enhance and expand their knowledge in the BFSI sector. Hence, Certified Bank Forensic Accountant means having better job opportunities in the banking sector along with the high wages”.

For more information please visit the following link: https://indiaforensic.com/product/certified-bank-forensic-accountant/

About Indiaforensic

C. Mayur Joshi founded Indiaforensic in 2005. It is a Pune-based training and educational organization engaged in fraud examination, security, risk, management and forensic accounting in India. Riskpro Management Consulting Private Limited owns a brand named Indiaforensic since 2008.It started with 1 Certification and today catering 2 Flagship Professional Certifications, 3 Specialisations and 5 E-learning Certifications.  Indiaforensic is the pioneer in the field of forensic accounting, well connected and networked with the industry.  Visit www.indiaforensic.com for more information.

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